Let's start with the local mini-matsuri (festival).

People pulling the ropes to carry the mikoshi and chanting at the same time.

Yes it's not like the great festival of Gyon in Kyoto but it's nice to see that tradition perdure even at a small scale.

Talking about winter, it reminds me the last one, we even had snow.

These shots were taken from my appartment.
I recently learnt the story behind these puppets :

We call them Teru Teru Bozu.

They are supposed to protect from the rain. This house was surrounded by them... Almost scary!
End of summer, one more festival near the primary school.

Dance, music, drinks, food, kids running everywhere: "Kermesse" (french) spirit.

[These shots come from my cousin compact digicame]
More shots from my appartment, just recently during a nice autumn day.

It's like a jungle for the cats who roam around here.

Noone is living in this house at least for the past 2 years. I guess one day it will be simply destroyed!
Same tree during spring, beautiful red leaves :

And to finish with, just 50m from home, my official lunch provider for many saturdays :

Atatakai O bento : warm lunch box. Very cheap and good!
My brother and my cousin can attest it!
That's all for now, I think I will do a photowalk this week-end with my Canonet to have better pictures from my place.
PS : All pictures are also on my flickr