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And then directly cold shower
An other perfect day 🌞 for running 💨
2km then 10 minutes 30"/30" then easy
First chilly windy run of the season.
Perfect weather - start to feel I am really "running"
After km 2 I did 10 minutes of 30"/30" like coach Eliot taught us few (25) years ago.
Autumn 🍁 is the best.
A bit sick so I did not push otherwise and felt pretty good actually.
Let's say it was a test and not do that again very soon. Also still hot here.
Lunch Workout
"A bridge too far" (should have double checked bridges occurrence)
Still can (barely) jog
Second of the year! woot!
Still alive!
梅雨、tsuyu, the rainy season has begun here. It has been pouring most of the week. Taking my chance for a run during this "dry" morning (22⁰C, 89% humidity)
It looks like 25-30min will be the sweet spot for a while.
Back in Surf City after 3 years? waves were messy with the wind so went for a jog. It has been so long I thought I was in someone else body... Great weather though.
Morning Run
Looks like volunteer day around here, firefighter testing the pump and grandpas cleaning the river banks.
Not a come back but at least I got a run today!
Long time no run (jog?). weather is great for it. Glad I managed to take 30min. at lunch. Neighbour’s sakura already passed blooming I was too late to snap its shot.