Already this time of the year! In Kitago station there is an early blooming type of sakura tree. They will be all full blooming during the week I think.
#miyazaki_colors #miyazaki_countryside #kitago #nichinancity
impressions de mon trail ce midi dans la vallée d’Inohae. En Français pour une fois! (ça fait très bizarre)
#miyazaki #nichinan #kitago #inohae #japon #trailrunning
Today’s run in Nichinan and yes sakura trees, like each year, are already blooming at Kitago station. Photographers are also blooming 😉 I wanted to have a pic with the local train but it passes here only few times a day 😅. #miyazaki_colors #miyazaki_countryside #nichinan #kitago #宮崎県 #日南市 #北郷駅
Trail running today in Inohae valley. Perfect weather we have here when rain season takes a break.
I have a thought for my friends of Le Havre who are organizing the Le Havre Urban Trail races this week-end. Bon courage les gars/filles !
#lhut #lhut2019
#miyazaki_colors #nichinan #kitago
#running #triathlonlife
#日南 #北郷 #ラン #トライアスロン
Golden Week Ride in Nichinan - GWの一つのライドin日南。
Trail run in Inohae valley towards the finale waterfall.
#miyazaki #nichinan #kitago #宮崎 #日南 #北郷 #ラン #ハイク #トライアスロン #triathlontraining