2013/04/25 , 🏃, 5.15km, 25m14s, 4m54s/km, 12.2km/h
25/04/2013 北栄町, 鳥取県, Japan

Contrebasse, sushi, quiche (and beer)

2013/04/27 , 🚴, 40.91km, 1h20m31s, 1m58s/km, 30.5km/h
Around togo lake


2013/04/28 , 🚴, 48.84km, 2h27s, 2m28s/km, 24.3km/h
Mini sea to summit and back

Worked today (it was fun though), will work tomorrow but hey :-)

Got my meishi from the Tottori Prefecture Ecotourism Office this morning. I feel very official now :-)

2013/05/03 , 🏃, 7.89km, 36m49s, 4m40s/km, 12.9km/h
03/05/2013 北栄町, 鳥取県, Japan

Me and a friend on my running path

2013/05/04 , 🚴, 38.17km, 1h22m11s, 2m09s/km, 27.9km/h
Morning Ride

To have the tank filled for you and to receive 2 taiyaki :-)

2013/05/05 , 🚴, 33.03km, 1h16m59s, 2m20s/km, 25.7km/h
Shorty with many pauses

2013/05/06, What I've been up to!

2013/05/05 , 🚴, 46.6km, 2h19m49s, 3m00s/km, 20.0km/h
Morning Ride with Chris

New skate park in the neighborhood!

2013/05/08 , 🏃, 6.17km, 29m37s, 4m48s/km, 12.5km/h
08/05/2013 Japan, Tottori Prefecture, Japan

It's been a while since last time I rode the feather. 久しぶりのピストバイク。

2013/05/10 , 🏃, 6.06km, 27m57s, 4m37s/km, 13.0km/h
10/05/2013 Japan, Tottori Prefecture, Japan

2013/05/11 , 🚴, 27.83km, 59m51s, 2m09s/km, 27.9km/h
Head wind until nakayama onsen

2013/05/12 , 🚴, 47.33km, 1h25m45s, 1m49s/km, 33.1km/h
Mini TT with tri handlebar

2013/05/12 , 🏃, 4.23km, 20m16s, 4m47s/km, 12.5km/h
12/05/2013 北栄町, 鳥取県, Japan