2018/12/08 , 🏃, 1.08km, 6m5s, 5m38s/km, 10.7km/h
1st w up

2018/12/09 , 🏃, 10.12km, 43m39s, 14m56s/km, 4.0km/h
Aotai 10k race. 41:05. 13th/1000 + (??) and 2nd/134 in 40-50y.o. To be fair thanks to a huge lack of competition

Last race of the year : 10k Aotai in . That’s basically my usual training course. I finished in 41:05, about 15 seconds slower than last year but there was 2k with a good head wind this time. Finished 13th/1000 + runners (level is low) and 2nd/100+ in the 40-50 y.o group! (Better than last year) I ran most of the course alone which is tough too. I wish could get closer to 40’ but I am happy with this result.