They asked me to shoot the party as well as the riders for their Homepage.
It was also a good opportunity for me to meet the people of Fuji bikes Japan as well as the leaders of
The shop and location are really nice. Let's see what they had in there.

Team jersey for sale.

I still have a Selev helmet bought at least 7 years ago, still ok imho.

I was nicely surprise to see that they are selling the Milani brand. I had a short talk with the maker at the occasion of the Tokyo Cycle Mode 2010. It looks like he found a distributor in Japan :)

He is producing also bicycles for the Maserati brand, very beautiful, very expensive :)

I've been introduced to a brand called Bears bike, made in Taiwan if remember well. The frame is in Aluminum and the fork in carbon.

An other fixed gear bike more classic but with some interesting curved tubes.

Then of course there was the Fuji bikes. Some of them I already shot at the Cycle Mode event like this beautiful touring bike especially made for the 111th Anniversary of the brand.

A white and goldy feather model.

I was also surprised to see a Lapierre bike! Famous in France but not so much abroad and certainly not in Japan, I think it is the first I've seen here.

Here is the bike used by the riders of Fuji-Cyclingtime a very well designed carbon bike, I like the aggressive touch, definitely an attacker bike!

Quite photogenic bikes aren't they ?

Riders have their name on it, nice touch!

Here two of the riders Lee Rodgers and Matthieu Cognard just before the photo session.

Fuji also recruited some top level Mountain bike rider, cross country specialist who already participated to world cup level races!

Yep this is the saddle one of the riders uses…

Now in La Canteen for the "show", I found there an other 111th Anniversary limited edition bike by fuji. I love this fixed gear, please Mr Fuji give me one :-)

DJs at work.
And the team appeared, introduced by Stephan, the manager. Stephan started the team only 4 years ago I think and it is quite amazing what he managed to build in this short period of time, especially when you considered he was not in the cycling world at first! Really huge respect for him. And I know the team will be bigger and bigger. Impressive!

Each riders introduced himself.

Here is the MTB team.

And a snapshot of the audience.

Then we had a mini fashion show!

Sporty girls and bikes, good combination, no one will complain I think :)

Realized at the end that the whole party was streamed live on U-Stream...

Thanks to Stephan for the invite, it was a pleasure. I will certainly shot the riders during races in the future maybe in September.
Links :
Fuji Japan :
Cycling Time :
Fuji-CyclingTime team blog :
and some of the riders I shot :
Milani :
Bears Bike :
NB :
- All the pics were shot with the same lens : the basic 18-55mm that goes with my Nikon D5000, I don't use any flash [I don't like / don't know how to shot well with it] and shot all in manual mode, being inside it was not easy as the lens is a bit slow for this condition but anyway…]
- I just want to add that I am not in anyway affiliated/sponsored by Fuji or CyclingTime or other brands at the moment.