My goal is to start from 0m, Yokohama altitude to the top of Japan, the Mount Fuji, 3776 m.
In one day and by my own strength.
Meaning riding my bike from Yokohama to the fifth station of Fuji San (last place the cars can reach) and then climbing to the top.

Yokohama in red, Fuji San in blue.

To make it even more fun I'll be riding a Fixed Gear bike :-)
Now, being the 111th Anniversary of Fuji Bikes this year I then had the idea to link this event and my project. Therefore I told about it to Yoshie San (from Akibo - Fuji Bikes Japan) who I met again recently at the Fuji-Cyclingtime presentation. So Fuji Bikes Japan lend me a Fuji Track Comp bike and I will bring it to the top of Mount Fuji!! Yeah baby :-) (if everything goes well...that said) Of course I hope for a good weather this day for a cool bike photo session at the top of the volcano -_-;
I plan to do this at the end of August, leting me 2 months time of training (I already started with my usual bike and some running). And this morning I received the Fuji Track Comp! Thankfully this bike is quite light, around 8kg builded of Aluminum and Carbon.

As you can see the bike is already mounted with brakes which kind of breaks the line of the bike. Rear one is totally useless being a track bike but as always when it comes to bring a track bike on the road there're rules issues. I always keep the front brake on my Fuji Feather but I don't see any reason to have a rear one. Plus the "shot lever" is quite good looking I think. So maybe I'll change the set a little bit also on this one, might save some grams as well.

Pedals are old ones that I just use now for testing purposes, I will change them for clip pedals.
Basically my training will be quite close of the triathlon trainings I used to do few years ago. Only difference : it's no race so I don't need to be fast but just ready to have enough endurance and strength for the whole day. (It is actually also a challenge that will lead me to a come-back to triathlon competition. I love this sport I used to practice it in France and really want to get into it again.)
To keep track of my training I started to use RunKeeper. Any user around here ? Don't hesitate to "friend" me.
If you think you can join me on the challenge, don't hesitate to contact me! As we say in French "Plus on est de fou, plus on rit" ( = The more, the merrier).Be prepared for something like 5-7 hours of bike and then the ascension for about 3h/5h. Yep a long day! (of course you don't have to carry your bike to the top ;-)
Sponsors are also welcome!! (why not)
I will document the project more in details with future blog/twitter updates, plus live pictures and twitter updates and maybe live streaming from time to time on the D-Day.

Views of the Fuji San from Yokohama, found on Flickr.

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