Colnago "dressed" with Vuiton : Tokyo Chic I guess!
I want to thank the staff who let me stay and take many pictures (well it's also a good PR for them...). Though I did not buy anything but the last COG magazine...100yens = nothing... But during the time I was there a guy ordered his bike, a Nagasawa, the business seems good. They have really interesting parts for the fixed gear and many frames and mounted bikes from abroad.

The frames prices start at about 80000yens for what I've seen and go the double or triple for those coming from far or really old! For example A 1973 bike is sold more than 300000 yens!

I liked these old saddles but I don't think they are for sell (but I did not ask...).

So if you intend to put this shop on your list during your next trip to Japan, prepare the yens! This shop can be heaven for your eyes and hell for your wallet! Guys from Euro zone are quite lucky with the rate exchange right now, I think you can bring back home some nice japanese parts for a reasonable price.
All the pictures I took (with my keitai as my digicame is almost dead...) are visible in the fixed gear gallery or on my flickr.
If you have some questions, don't hesitate in the comments.