2020/09/12, 6.2km run, my monthly activity. recently it has only been work (which is good) and our boy Jules (even better) but my stamina level is 0 and my speed level 0.5/11. tough.
2020/08/16, 43.26km ride, That was supposed to be an easy restart but it turned out it was way more than I can chew at the moment. Back to 0. (again)
2020/08/09, 6.19km run, 1ere activité physique du mois. pas facile avec un nouveau job et le bébé. au petit trot. évidemment super chaud et humide. mais ça fait du bien!
2020/07/12, 6.24km run, 1st jog in a month. In the mean time rain season hit us hard (no issue here though). I also gain some KOP (king of pampers) and started lifting regularly some weight, about 3.5kg ;-)
2020/06/13, 6.58km run, running my course counterclockwise for once.
2020/06/11, 6.29km run, «running in the rain 🌧 🎶» the bgm for the next 30 days or so.
2020/06/08, 16.74km ride, t-shirt ride du soir. easy gear.
2020/06/07, 38.97km ride, up and down. superbe road, smooth, with more or less steep parts. found an empty camp gound and maybe a place to swim...
2020/06/05, 6.65km run, we had rain for a couple of days but today is splendid weather. pics from off the path secret spot 😎