2017/07/10 , 🏃, 7.73km, 36m5s, 4m40s/km, 12.8km/h
Good pace. Perfect temp. Little wind. Left calf a bit hard.

2017/07/12 , 🏊, 2400m, 55m, 2m18s/100m, 2.6km/h
Afternoon Swim - an other very nice swimming pool. In Montivilliers.

Nice ride in this afternoon along the beach.

2017/07/17 , 🏃, 6.39km, 30m57s, 4m50s/km, 12.4km/h
Lunch Run - at *pace* - walked the hard slope

2017/07/22 , , , 1h30m, ,
Back to Surf (tiny waves) and SUP !

in 😊 back to and 🏄 ➡️ Water temp. : 18°C ➡️ 27°C. 👀

2017/07/22 , , , 1h, ,
Core yoga / planks - sweat like crazy

2017/07/22 , , 4.5km, 40m, 8m53s/km, 6.8km/h
"Speed" training, I was already tired after 2k

2017/07/24 , 🏊, 1038m, , ,
Afternoon swim, 18mn

2017/07/24 , 🏃, 6.96km, 34m2s, 4m53s/km, 12.3km/h
Afternoon Run after a good swim in the sea

This is one of my typical run. The app used is along with my account for the data.

2017/07/27 , 🏃, 6.43km, 31m45s, 4m56s/km, 12.2km/h
A *bit* hot and humid

2017/07/29 , 🏄, , 1h30m, ,
Few waves but some good ones

of the day ("K-shape". Note that I know nothing about boards yet), first time I tried it. A bit narrower than the Grommet I used before. I could catch some good waves. is quite crowded (in the water) on the w-e, still it is all right once you can find your space.

2017/07/31 , 🏃, 8.26km, 39m9s, 4m44s/km, 12.7km/h
"Feels like 37°C". Indeed. Splashed in the ocean to cool down.

2017/08/04 , 🏃, 4.04km, 30m5s, 7m26s/km, 8.1km/h
Easy night jog with SurfCity members

2017/08/05 , , , 1h, ,
Planks / core yoga. tough one hour but great!

今日は人が少ない。😬 ;-)

2017/08/07 , 🏃, 5.1km, 26m55s, 5m17s/km, 11.4km/h
Post typhoon run. Still a bit windy which without it it d be already too hot

2017/08/10 , , 2.5km, 1h, 24m01s/km, 2.5km/h
SUP training, paddling, turns, wave surfing. Good fun.

2017/08/10 , , , 1h, ,
Surf conditioning : workout based on surf positions and moves. Good stuff, sweat a lot. Sore muscles now!