Call me the K-Truck triathlete! :-)

TCCのおかげでまたテレビに出た^_^ 今年49位/294。よかったです!ゴールの直後に足がつっちゃった「笑」See me having a cramp just after the goal :-) I was featured as one of the local triathletes on the (very) local tv channel TCC.

2014/06/27 , 🏃, 5.91km, 26m19s, 4m27s/km, 13.5km/h
Ekiden training on the track

2014/06/28 , 🚴, 4.78km, 12m24s, 2m36s/km, 23.1km/h
Easy to the start of the ekiden

This morning is ekiden time. Me and Ishikawa San will be rival as we both run the last part which is 6k! ヤバイ負けそう私。。。

2014/06/29 , 🏃, 6.27km, 25m2s, 4m03s/km, 14.8km/h

Took a short break in eastern Tottori, night fishing on a boat : lots of fun, camping and then enjoying the sea in the morning, swimming, snorkeling (lots of fish to see). About one hour from home ^_^

Visited motofusa.com museum also earlier today, and came back home with a dev. project for the artist! ;-)

2014/07/01 , 🏃, 8.49km, 34m1s, 4m00s/km, 15.0km/h
Evening Run

2014/07/06 , 🏃, 10.12km, 43m36s, 4m18s/km, 13.9km/h
10k race. Super hard

2014/07/11 , 🏃, 6.34km, 28m8s, 4m26s/km, 13.5km/h
Evening Run - no sensation

Oldies but goldies frames at Fukuhama cycle shop

Celebrating July the 14th a bit early with the "Friends of France" of Tottori.

2014/07/13, The Road to Hawai, with one 'i'! ;-)

2014/07/13 , 🚴, 53.75km, 1h39m11s, 1m51s/km, 32.5km/h
Afternoon Ride under the rain but so good

2014/07/17 , 🚴, 49.01km, 1h52m35s, 2m18s/km, 26.1km/h
Pre work Morning Ride. Back to some mountain. Hot.

No tri handle bar, 2 bottles. Let's go for some mountain and the @stravacycling challenge !!

2014/07/19 , 🚴, 49.98km, 2h13m13s, 2m40s/km, 22.5km/h
Rapharising part one.

From the main summit of the day : Mount Hachibuse. One bottle down.

2014/07/19 , 🚴, 53.87km, 2h2m26s, 2m16s/km, 26.4km/h
Broke my rear derailleur in the first meters of first climb...

Well bye bye part 2. Derailleur went off. One of the derailleur wheel is broken:-(. For once I had the good key to put back the derailleur which is bent... Back home from now in single speed mode... Grrrr