2014/07/21 , 🏃, 8.11km, 35m37s, 4m23s/km, 13.7km/h
Evening Run - did I sweat ? Ha ha...

2014/07/22, Hawai Triathlon in Yurihama 2014

After almost 4 hours of work : bent back the derailleur hanger as much as possible (not perfect), place back derailleur with new jockey wheels, new chain, new cable. My 10 speed is now a 9 speed as I can't use anymore the 13. Well it's ok for training. I am going to give it a try now. Hopefully it will stay as now. . Thanks Cycle Shop Fukuhama for advices.

2014/07/26 , 🚴, 31.27km, 1h19m25s, 2m32s/km, 23.6km/h
Before the night in slopes. Kind of fixed the bike. Better not to shift gears too much...

Time for a swim

2014/07/27 , 🏃, 8.67km, 43m33s, 5m02s/km, 11.9km/h
Around the lake near Kozumi

2014/07/28 , 🚴, 66.37km, 2h22m56s, 2m09s/km, 27.9km/h
One of my fav course. Mountain and then power ride.

New size just fits in the Kei Truck. 新しいサイズはちょうど軽トラにピッタリ😬

2014/07/31 , 🏃, 7.05km, 33m10s, 4m42s/km, 12.8km/h
Evening Run - negative splits

自信がある方 Cars of Tottori cc @stevesydney

This time of the year

2014/08/03 , 🏃, 13.18km, 1h37s, 4m36s/km, 13.0km/h
Run under a slight welcome rain. 10k at pace then easy. Shoes like sponges.


2014/08/04 , 🚴, 72.15km, 3h20m16s, 2m47s/km, 21.6km/h
Morning Ride

How to look like a geek? Just upload a pic of the unboxed :-)

2014/08/12 , 🚴, 54.59km, 1h53m32s, 2m05s/km, 28.9km/h
Not too hot in August : a first!

2014/08/12 , 🏃, 8.56km, 38m34s, 4m30s/km, 13.3km/h
Evening Run

2014/08/14 , 🏃, 5.55km, 28m16s, 5m05s/km, 11.8km/h
Sweating yesterday's beers. Feeling like a grand-pa...

2014/08/16 , 🏃, 9.32km, 41m24s, 4m27s/km, 13.5km/h
Rain rain rain


2014/08/17 ,
Iwami kids triathlon 2014 (aquathlon this year as bike was cancelled). Tottori, Japan.

2014/08/18 , 🚴, 38.9km, 1h11m40s, 1m51s/km, 32.6km/h
Shorty. No rain!! At pace and at max in Togo climb then easy.